Dear Parents
Most of the building work in school is finished! All three gates into school are now open for you to use. If you use Timberley Lane gate the path now takes you through the farm into the entrance by the pond because the staff car park should not be accessed by pedestrians. Our fantastic new main entrance to school is also open and children wanting to go to breakfast club will use this door.
At the start of the school day year 3 and 4 will use the new entrance by the sports hall which you get to from the junior playground. Year 5 and 6 children will enter through their usual door from the junior playground. The children will leave school through the same doors at the end of the day.
Reception, year 1 and year 2 children are now all in school and the temporary classrooms have been removed. Year 1 and Reception children will come into school from the field side of school, straight into their classrooms. Children will be collected from the same doors at the end of the day.
Year 2 will come into school through the double blue doors next to the infant hall. Year 2 will leave school from either the double blue doors or the infant hall at the end of the day.
Nursery arrangements will stay the same as they always have done.
The leadership team will be on duty to help everyone find where they need to go. Please be patient with us as we have every child moving class and new arrangements in place. Should you have any concerns please contact myself through the school office.