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Timberley Academy


Good morning everyone 🥰



Today's lessons are:


Maths- Lesson 4- Counting in Coins

I have attached the worksheet below, but remember to watch the video first 🥰


There is also a BBC Bitesize lesson on counting money too.



Have a look at today's speed sound on the RWI youtube channel.

They are now also doing Hold a Sentence too!! We would love it if you could give those a try :). Send us your super sentences!


If you are looking for something a little bit different to do today, why not try the BBC Bitesize Literacy lesson- Alphabetical Order. 





 We are carrying on with our Waffle Challenges linked to flowers and insects 🕷 🐜 🐝 🌷 🌻

This week it is all about Bees.





If you want to find out more about Bees I have attached some information and activities below. 








Remember, we have have a special star section for any work that you send in, so please keep showing us what you've been up to we can't wait to see!! 🌟

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
