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Timberley Academy

Timberley Tots Nursery 2 (3yrs-4yrs)

Welcome to Nursery 2

If you are interested in your child attending our setting, please pop to the school office to complete an application form.

We offer places for children the term after they turn three years old and so are  entitled to 15 hours free nursery education. Entitlement is offered in the form of five mornings or five afternoons. If you do apply for a place, please ensure that you clearly mark your preference of mornings or afternoons (see attachment below).

Our morning sessions are 8.30am - 11.30am and our afternoon sessions are          12.30pm - 3.30pm.

Should you wish to find out more information about our setting, do come and speak to a member of staff.

Christmas Singalong!

The Nursery Christmas Singalong is on FRIDAY 9TH DECEMBER in the KS1 hall

The children all come into Nursery at their usual time with the morning singalong at 10.15 and the afternoon Singalong at 2.15.

Everyone is welcome to come along, listen to our fabulous children sing and join in!!

See you there! smiley

Pudsey says THANK YOU!! smileysmiley

To support Children in Need, all of the children in Nursery either dressed up as a Superhero or wore their own clothes. All of the money collected will go straight to Pudsey and he will make sure it is used to help make poorly children feel better. Thank you smiley

An Inspire-ing day!!

A very big thank you to all the Moms, Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Nans, Grandads and friends who attended our Nursery Inspire workshops. We had fabulous attendance and everyone had great fun! Our focus this year was Literacy so everyone made an alphabet lotto game and took home a Read Write Inc letter formation guide. We hope you are all playing the game at home! Thank you again to everyone that came along smiley

Winter is coming!

As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child wears a warm coat to school, as we go outside in all weathers! Please can you write your child's name in any hats, gloves and scarves so they can be returned to the correct person as we gets lots of hats that look the same! Also, if your child wears wellies to school, please send in other shoes for them to wear in Nursery. Thank you

Parents Workshop

The Nursery Inspire Workshop will be on Thursday, 17th November. There will be sessions for both the morning and afternoon children and everyone is welcome!! Please remember, that your child needs an accompanying adult for them to take part in the workshop.

Further details regarding times etc, will be given nearer the time.


Our first half term is over and we have had such fun and learnt so much! We have made new friends, listened to lots of stories, some of us have been out to Forest School and explored with Mr Herbert, brought in things for our nature table (and then looked closely at what we had brought in), played in the three bears cottage and our Woodland Cave, done leaf printing and made hedgehogs, plus lots, lots more!! Phew, no wonder we are ready for a bit of a rest so we are all ready for more after the holiday!!



Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
