Nursery places for September 2021
Is your child is age 3 before 31.08.2018? then they may be able to start in our Nursery 2.
If you are interested, application forms can be found on the ‘admissions’ page on our website or you can pop to the office to collect a form. Please look on our website for more information about our nursery.
Our session times are:
Mornings: 8.30-11.30am
Afternoons: 12.30-3.30pm
We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!
Tuesday 6th July
Today is a super exciting day as it is SPORTS DAY!! There are 3 races that all the children take part in: a running race, the egg and spoon race and the beanbag race. We all ran our fastest and cheered on our friends - we had a great time!
Friday 2nd July
Yesterday was a very exciting day! The butterflies and caterpillars that we have looked after so very carefully were ready to fly away! We took them outside into the garden and waved 'bye!' as they flew over our heads. Some of the butterflies had a last drink of sugar water before they left and the ladybirds crawled through the flowers we had planted. Remember to look carefully when you are in your garden or the park, as one of our butterflies or ladybirds might be there too!
Monday 28th June
Hello Nursery . Our caterpillars are becoming butterflies!! When we came back to Nursery last week, the caterpillars had been very busy and were all safely in their cocoons. We carefully moved them into the butterfly net and watched them all week. When we came to Nursery today, we had 2 butterflies and over the day 3 more have hatched so now we have 5!! We have put some oranges and sugar water in the net for the butterflies to feed on. We are sure it won't be long until they have all emerged as butterflies and we can let them fly away in the Nursery garden. Let's hope the sun comes out soon as butterflies don't like the rain!
We will add pictures as more butterflies hatch out of their cocoons.
Friday 18th June
Hello Nursery! It has been a sad week where we couldn't be in school, but we have spoken to everyone on the telephone and know you are all safe and well, which is fantastic news!
Take another look at our caterpillars and ladybirds - they have been munching LOTS while we have been at home! We think there will be a lot of cocoons when we come to school on Monday and we can't wait to see them! We will have to be very careful with them as they get ready to emerge as butterflies - we can't wait!
Have a super weekend everyone and stay safe!
See you Monday
Thursday 17th June
Hello Nursery! Take a look at our caterpillars and ladybirds - they are getting bigger every day! I wonder if any of the caterpillars will be inside their cocoons on Monday? Nursery 1 are doing a fantastic job taking care of them while we are at home!
Have you read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Bad Tempered Ladybird yet? If not have a look on You Tube and you will find them there! Why not see what information you can find out about their lifecycles too?
Take care everyone and see you on Monday!
Wednesday 16th June
Good morning Nursery! We hope you are all keeping safe and well, it has been so nice to speak to you all on the telephone this week. We are really missing you all and can't wait to be back in Nursery on Monday!
While we have been at home, we have had a delivery of caterpillars and ladybirds in Nursery. The children and teachers in Nursery One are very kindly looking after them for us until Monday. Have a look at the pictures below, the caterpillars have grown so much already!! The ladybird larvae look funny don't they, not red with spots like they have when they are adult ladybirds!
If your adults have a missed call on their phones, please ask them to answer it next time, it will probably be us trying to speak to you!
Stay safe and well everyone, see you Monday!
Monday 14th June
Good morning Nursery!! It's very sad that we can't be together in Nursery this week but it is SO very important that we all do everything we can to keep each other safe and well. We have some ideas of activities you might want to do at home this week and hopefully we will all be together again on Monday 21st
We have been working so hard on learning our phonics sounds, so it would be great if you could keep practising at home
This has lots of the programmes you can watch as well as games and jigsaws you can complete. Or play a game with whoever is looking after you - "I spy with my little eye something beginning with a" and see what you can find around the house! Who can find the most things? Who can find something the quickest?
Story time:
We all LOVE our daily stories and there are so many to choose from! Eric Carle wrote one of our very favourite stories The Very Hungry Caterpillar and if you look on You Tube you can watch and listen to this as well as all the other stories he wrote.
See which story is your favourite, we will be reading lots of these when we come back to school! There are also the videos that the teachers in Nursery made of us reading stories still on the website - scroll down and have a look and a listen!
We do counting all the time in schooland Numberblocks is great at helping us!
There are so many activities on here that you can do - games, jigsaws, songs about the numbers, as well as all the fantastic episodes!
Writing and drawing:
So many of you love to draw and write every day - it would be lovely if you could draw a picture of anything you do at home this week and bring it into school to show us, you can practise writing your name on it too!
The most important thing we can all do this week is to stay at home, as this means we are all looking after each other and helping to keep our Nursery community safe and well. Take care Nursery, we will see you very soon!
Happy Easter!!
We have had a super time getting ready to celebrate Easter in Nursery. We watched the Easter story on cbeebies, made Easter cards and Easter nests. We learnt the Easter Bunny song and he loved our singing SO much, he visited us and left some eggs hidden in the Nursery garden! We had a great time hunting for them! We would like to wish everyone a happy, safe Easter and we will see you all back in Nursery on Tuesday, April 20th.
The Nursery children will be having P.E each Thursday starting 11th March. They do not need to wear their uniform but can come to school in joggers/leggings, t shirt and a fleece/jumper. The children will need to wear trainers or pumps as we will be in the Sports Hall. Thank you.
If you are at home because you or one of your family are poorly, why not have a try at doing some yoga? It's easy to do and fun too! Follow the link below to join in with Rebecca and Duggee.
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day, the Nursery children went out to the farm to look at all of our animals then had a story in our super outdoor Reading Circle. We read Winnie the Witch and all had a magic wand to join in with the spells - ABRACADABRA!!
Our magic worked and a rabbit and guinea pigs came to see us!! We were able to stroke them carefully - their fur was so soft. We had a fantastic day and took our wands home so we could do magic at home too! Have a look at our photographs to see the fun we had.
Return to school
We are all so happy that more of our children will be returning to school on Monday 8th March - we have missed you all SO much!
Parents/carers - please take a look at the documents from the link below to give you up to date information. See you all on Monday!
Down in the jungle!
In Nursery we have a super jungle themed reading area where we love to read stories about different animals and play with jungle animals! What is your favourite animal story?
Hello Nursery!
It has been such a cold, snowy week this week - we hope you have been able to keep warm while you have fun in the snow!
This week in Nursery we have been learning about Chinese New Year. This year the celebrations are on Friday 12th February. All of the different years are named after an animal and this year will be the year of the ox. We have made lucky money envelopes and eaten some spring rolls and prawn crackers - yummy!
If you want to learn more about Chinese New Year have at look at cbeebies where there is lots to see and do including making a rattle drum and and New Year dragon! There is also the story of the race between the animals that decided what each year should be named.
Take care everyone, we hope to see everybody together again in Nursery very soon
Hello Nursery!
We hope those of you at home are all keeping safe and well. We all miss you very much and hope we will all be back together in Nursery before too long. Everyone in Nursery is great friends and we have so much fun playing and learning together. We have been thinking about our kind words, kind feet and kind hands. We know when we are kind it makes us and our friends really happy!
We have been reading some stories about friendship - why not listen to and watch one of our super stories?
Take care Nursery and we hope to see you soon
Snowy weather!
The children in Nursery had great fun today! We made a snowman with a banana for a smiley mouth, twigs for his arms and small stones for his eyes and buttons! We had a great time!
Hello Nursery!
It's a very, very snowy day today! The snow came down thick and fast yesterday and today is a real winter wonderland outside! The snow is very deep, so we hope you have been able to get outside for a walk and to make snowmen and snow angels!
While you are at home today, why not watch and listen to some snowy stories?
One of our favourites is One Snowy Night by Mick Butterworth. It is one of the series about Percy the park keeper and his animal friends.
Another super story is about Kipper the dog, who always has great fun with all of his friends. This one is called Snowy Day
Somewhere else to find great stories to listen to is Audible Stories. They have lots of stories for children of all ages and adults to listen to. There are stories to listen to, rhymes to join in with as well as counting and alphabet songs too!
We hope you have a great time in the snow but remember to stay safe! See you all soon!
Hello Nursery!
We hope you are keeping safe and well at home and managing to have some fun even on a very rainy day like today! It has been great to have so many of you back in Nursery, we really missed you! We have old and new friends, ready to learn and have fun too!
We hope you enjoyed watching and listening to our stories last week, so take a look below for two more stories. We hope you enjoy them!
Stay safe Nursery and we will see you soon
Story Time!
Reading and listening to stories is so much fun! We have read and recorded some stories you can watch and listen to at home. We hope you enjoy them!
Hello everyone!
It has been so lovely speaking to you all on the telephone this week! We are really missing you all, so it is great we can keep in contact with you and you can tell us the things you have been doing at home. There has been lots of baking, dressing up, going to the park, counting and writing going on this week. How busy you all are! Lots of you are loving your home activity packs - especially the play dough and the bubbles! Don't forget to come and collect yours if you haven't already.
It can be a bit tricky at the moment with the weather being chilly, so below are some ideas of ways you can be active while you're at home if it's a horrible, rainy, cold day outside!
Cosmic Kids:
This is a super website that has lots of different videos you can join in with and learn some yoga! Don't worry, it's great fun and really easy to do! There are so many to choose from, stories like The 3 Billy Goats Gruff or a Pirate Adventure! Give it a go!
YolanDa's Band Jam:
This is a super way to burn off some excess energy! Each episode is full of music and dancing, you won't be able to keep still!
Singing Hands:
We sing lots of these songs in Nursery and they are great! There are lots to choose from and you can learn Makaton signs as you go!
We hope you have a go at some of the activities and are able to have some fun while you stay safe at home. We will see you all soon
Hello Nursery!
We hope you are all keeping safe and well at home. Lots of children have now collected their home learning packs from school, but we still have more to give out - don't forget to come and collect yours! If you come to the school office, we will bring yours up to you. There are lots of fun things to do, so don't forget!
When we come back to school, we will start learning phonics sounds and pictures using the Read Write Inc programme. Take a look at the information below which has some ideas on things you can do at home.
Where else can I find information?
How can I support my child’s reading and writing?
How can I help my child to practise their handwriting?
How else can I develop my child’s language?
Where else can I find information?
Watch video tutorials on to help you to understand more about Read Write Inc. Phonics and how to help your child read and write at home.
Other useful websites:
Ruth Miskin Facebook:
Free e-books for home reading:
‘Special Friends’
Special friends are a combination of two or three letters representing one sound, e.g. ck, ay, igh, oa.
Fred Talk
Fred the Frog helps children read and spell. He can say the sounds in words, but he can’t say the whole word, so children have to help him.
To help children read, Fred (the teacher) says the sounds and then children say the word.
For example, Fred says c-a-t, children say cat, Fred says l-igh-t, children say light.
Teachers are encouraged to use Fred Talk through the day, so children learn to blend sounds.
For example:
Play Simon Says: Put your hands on your h-ea-d/ f-oo-t/ kn-ee.
Put on your c-oa-t/ h-a-t/ s-c-ar-f.
Set the table with a b-ow-l/ f-or-k/ s-p-oo-n.
‘Fred in your head’
Once children can sound out a word, we teach them to say the sounds silently in their heads.
We show them how to do this by:
1. whispering the sounds and then saying the whole word;
2. mouthing the sounds silently and then saying the whole word;
3. saying the whole word straight away.
Perfect pencil grip
Children sit at a table to write.
They hold up a pencil in a tripod pencil grip with the non-writing hand flat holding their paper.
How can I support my child’s reading and writing?
How can I support my child to learn Set 1 sounds and to blend?
We teach children to read and spell using Fred. He is a toy frog who can say the sounds in words, but not the whole word. Children have to help him.
To help children learn to blend, we say the sounds as Fred and then children repeat the sounds and say the whole word.
Here are two ways you can use Fred Talk at home:
One of the most important things you can do as a parent at home is read to your child.
Loving stories is important because children who love stories want to read stories for themselves. Children who read a lot become better readers.
Here are some top tips for storytime:
How can I help my child to practise their handwriting?
Remind your child:
Challenge your child to see how many sounds they can write in a minute.
Say the sound and children write e.g. ‘write m’, ‘write s’, ‘write w’.
How can I help my child to spell words?
How else can I develop my child’s language?
Children will have a large vocabulary if they are part of a ‘talk-a-lot’ family:
Hello Nursery!
We hope you are all keeping safe at home. It has been a very cold few days with some snow too! I hope you have had a chance to have a play in the snow - maybe to make snowballs or snow angels!
All the children in Nursery have a home learning pack ready for collection from the school office. A lot of them have been collected already so make sure to come and collect yours too! There are lots of activities inside with a book, play dough, colouring pencils and bubbles too!
Don't forget to check this page regularly so you can see more super ideas!
Keep yourselves safe and we will hopefully see you soon
A very Happy New Year!!
Everyone in Nursery would like to wish all our children, parents and carers, a very Happy New Year. We were so looking forward to seeing you all again after the Christmas break, but unfortunately it will be a little while longer before we are all together in Nursery. There are lots of different activities you can do at home, here are some ideas! Meanwhile, please make sure you are staying safe and well
Numberblocks are great at helping us to recognise numbers and count and there are lots of different games and songs you can join in with.
Joe Wicks will be starting his new exercise videos 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday starting Monday 11th January. We did lots of these earlier in the year and they are great fun, why not have a go?
The Oak Academy have some super lessons and this one is listening and joining in with a fabulous traditional story we really love, Golidlocks and the three bears.
We hope you all can give these activities a try and have some fun! See you all soon
The children in Nursery 2 made beautiful poppies to remember Armistice Day. We watched a Cbeebies video too called "Poppies." Follow the link below if you would like to watch it too.
We having been having a great time in Nursery, learning all about Autumn. We talked about how the leaves turn different colours, the animals we might see and the celebrations we have - Harvest Festival, Halloween and Bonfire Night! We had some pumpkins too that we looked closely at, then Mrs Gilbert carved some very clever faces on them! What do you think? We think they are great!
Tuesday 15th September
Hello Nursery!
It has been so lovely to welcome you all into Nursery over the last 2 weeks. Some of you are old friends that we already know but lots of you are fabulous new friends! It has been great to see everyone beginning to make friends and play and learn together - we are sure we will all have lots of fun together
Whilst we hope you will all be able to come to Nursery every day - because we really miss you if you are not here - if you are poorly at any time and have to stay at home, there are some great activities you can do at home that will help you to keep learning and having fun!
This website has lots of songs and rhymes you can sing at home with your families such as number rhymes and our favourite song about dinosaurs!
BBC bitesize has lots of great games too!
This game lets you explore a classroom and complete different activities - we wonder which will be your favourite?
Bud's Number Garden is great too as there are number songs to sing as well as a game to play!
Have fun and we will see you in Nursery soon!
Hello and welcome to Nursery 2!
Whether you are an old friend or new, we can't wait to see you all! We have so many exciting activities waiting for you, so have a look at the photographs below and we will see you soon!