Check out our super work!
Year 3 have been extremely busy in their first 2 weeks back at school!
We started our first Literacy unit based on the story 'Chocolate Planet' and the children have produced some super work! We also had the opportunity to use our BRAND NEW sketchbooks for the very first time and practise our drawing and sketching skills! The children have been working extremely hard throughout our
Maths lessons, focusing on place value as well as producing their own compositions on the chime bars in Music!
Year 3's First Spanish Lesson
Today, we had our very first Spanish lesson! We used an atlas to locate Spain and explored the 21 different Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Equatorial Guinea and many more. We took a closer look at the flags of the Spanish-speaking countries and coloured them in, ready to be displayed on our Spanish displays in our classrooms.
In Year 3, your child will be learning...
During Autumn 1, we will focus on greeting people, how to count from 1-10 and we will explore a range of Spanish-speaking countries!
Our Autumn 1 Project is...🎨📸
Welcome to Year 3!
We are so happy to welcome everyone back to school with beaming smiles and positive attitudes, ready to start the new school year. We've enjoyed listening to all the exciting things you have experienced over the summer holidays and we have had great conversations about our new school rules: Ready, Respectful, Safe and how we should be applying these throughout our day to day life at school. Please read through our Autumn Newsletter regarding important information you will need to know for our first term back at school. We will be updating the class page throughout the year to keep you up to date with all the exciting things we are doing in Year 3
We are all looking forward to the amazing school year ahead!