Timberley Academy
Bradley Road
Shard End
B34 7RL
Please contact Mrs Exton or Mrs Freeman
in the school office with any queries you may have.
Email enquiry@timberleyacademy.bham.sch.uk
Telephone: 0121 464 2002
Fax: 0121 464 6911
Head Teacher
Mrs C Harris
Deputy Head Teachers
Miss M Hunter
Mr S Kinsman
Mr Griffiths
SENDCo/Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs D Lawrence
Chair of Governors
Mrs Vernon
(Contact through school)
Our School Day
Nursery 1 and 2- 8.30-11.30 (AM)
12.30-3.30 (PM)
Children in school (R-6) can all take part in Get Set Go! Activities from 8.40am every day.
Reception Year 1 and Year 2- 9.00-3.25 (32hours 5 mins)
Year 3 and Year 4- 8.55-3.25 (32.5 hours)
Year 5 and Year 6- 8.55-3.30 (32.75 hours)
Timberley Academy Owner-The Board of Trustees
Contact through the school office.
Email: enquiry@timberleyacademy.bham.sch.uk
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