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Timberley Academy

Year 5

Summer Holidays !

What a strange year this has been! 

We want to say how proud we are of everything you achieved whilst you were in Year 5. 

Good Luck in Year 6 - you will all be amazing.

Starting Year 5 in September? 

We are looking forward to teaching you smiley

Have a great six weeks everybody ! 

Parent SEND Questionnaire

SEND Support - A Note from Nichola Jones (Assistant Director Inclusion, SEND and Wellbeing)


Dear Parent,

I hope you and your family are well. I’m getting in touch to invite you to take part in our short survey to share your experiences during lockdown and tell us your views on the support you have received from different education services.

Please complete one survey for each child or young person with SEND. The survey is anonymous, however you can choose to include your contact details at the end if you would like to be more involved in shaping future SEND services.

Click here to access the survey

Please feel free to forward this email on to other families of children and young people with SEND.

Thank you for taking part. We really value your feedback in helping us to monitor and continually improve our services for SEND families.  

Please note that the survey will close at 12 midnight on Monday 13 July 2020.

With very best wishes,

Nichola Jones

Assistant Director Inclusion, SEND and Wellbeing

New Timberley Curriculum Logo ! Can you design a new logo for our curriculum? See details within the Powerpoint below.


now>press>play is an active audio resource that engages children in the curriculum through emotion, imagination and movement. Immersed in sound, your child will become the main character in a story, meeting people, discovering places and solving problems on an educational adventure they’ll never forget!


Visit the website and use the password:



How does it work?

  1. Write North, South, East, West on paper and stick one on each wall.
  2. Stand in the centre of the room and…. Now Press Play!
  3. Follow the instructions in the story.
  4. Afterwards have a discussion and use the follow-on activities.

Sun Safety

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
