For all our children to leave us having developed an enquiring, insightful and analytical mind, with a firm historical perspective and understanding of key historical periods, facts and significant individuals, recognising how these have helped shape the world as it is today.
In September 2023, we introduced our new online education platform Kapow Primary ( This offers a comprehensive range of curriculum-aligned resources and interactive activities.
As always, we aim to engage our Timberley students in their learning, providing a curriculum that inspires and develops the skills to become truly knowledgeable, skilled and independent learners.
Did you know that the BBC have a collection of visuals and clips to support children in their History topics or simply what they're interested in outside of school! Click here to see more.
Russia only 2 miles from Alaska?!
4000-year-old noodles??!!
Red rain???!!!
It must be the National Geographic’s “Weird but true!” website. Check it out here.
Why not hear from significant people of the past?!
See BBC's "True Stories" videos here.
Check out this interesting article on some of our most popular Christmas traditions. Click here to see.
Some wonderful poetry and art from our children this month, looking at Black History.
Believed to have been built during the late Neolithic period, about 3,000–2,500BC. You can read the article here.
What a week it’s been throughout the school! The children have loved having the opportunity to focus on the local area, both past and present.
We’ve looked at the history and geography of the surrounding area, including the area’s involvement and contribution to WWII, mapping out and locating features and buildings, looking through maps over time and seeing how and why land use has changed – and so much more!
First the children started by discussing what they already knew about Queen Elizabeth I. Then they learned that Queen Elizabeth I was the last Tudor monarch. After that, they ordered the Tudor monarchy on a timeline in groups.
It's the 1900th anniversary of Hadrian's Wall this year! Check out this website for more information on how it was built, as well as challenges for you to build your own version!
Yesterday saw the opening of the Elizabeth Tube Line! This is something that one day you may be asked about by youngsters. Check out 9 facts about the line here.
In Literacy, Year 4 have been researching, reporting on and even presenting their findings on dinosaurs over the last few weeks.
Year 6 have been looking at poetry from the World War II period...
Mordechai Gebirtig, 1877-1942, was a cabinet-maker and one of the great Yiddish poets and songwriters of prewar and wartime Poland. He was shot by a guard while being unruly during the evacuation of Krakow. “A Beam of Sunlight” is one of thirteen "Ghetto Poems" that Gebirtig wrote during the German occupation. The "Ghetto Poems" were hidden and were recovered and taken to Israel after the war.
What is a timeline? How do you make one? To help you understand, click here for a brief overview of a timeline, its uses and how to make one.
Check out this short video to help better understand these historical terms.
Great to see all the year groups taking the time to focus on Black History Month.
For help or more information about History why not visit the BBC page? It's really fun and helpful.
Year 4’s Temples, Tombs and Treasures dress-up day – 15th Oct