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Timberley Academy


Are you missing doing Flashback 4 every day?  Well, don't worry because White Rose Maths have made it available to you!


You can do the Flashback, watch videos and have a go at different maths questions each day. smiley



Make sure you are logging on to Education City and Times Tables Rockstars for a range of activities.


At the moment, there is a battle between 3D and 3M on TTS.  It runs till Friday so keep logging on and scoring for your class! 


You could also play hit the button to practise doubling and halving  and division facts. 


This week, you need to practise your column addition.

Pick 2 or 3 numbers to create a 2 or 3-digit number (56 or 364) then repeat and add the two together.  Think carefully in case you need to exchange and ones for tens, or tens for hundreds! 

Practise your time telling skills by making a paper plate analogue clock.


Then make and read a time and have a go at writing it in digital form too.


If you need some help, take a look at the video. smiley



Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
