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Timberley Academy

Year 6

Areas of Study for the 2nd Autumn Half-Term

This half-term, we will be studying the following:


RE: Creating Unity and Harmony, Creating Inclusion, Identity and Belonging

PSHE: Health Education

Spanish: Family and Friends       

Music: Keyboards

Art: Craft and Design: Photo Opportunity

Geography: Would you like to live in the desert?


Paper homework is sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday. Children will be tested on their spellings on Monday afternoon. 

Reading Books: children will be given a reading book to take home, please ensure they read daily and it is brought into school every day.


Punctuality and Attendance

Please can you encourage your child to come in to school every day for Morning Activities. Doors will open for children at 8.40am.


Please ensure children are in school every day. If your child is unwell or not able to attend school for any reason, you can phone the office or email Timberley will be continuing with the Top 100 award for our top 100 attendees.


Classes can also earn tickets for achieving over 94% attendance - 5 tickets earns the class a reward! 

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
