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Timberley Academy




Good morning Year 2, 🥰


It’s the start of a new week already! 😇 We hope you are all safe and well 🙂 and you enjoyed your weekend. Today is a special day for one of our Year 2 children... 👦🏼

Happy 😄 Birthday 🥳 Zacharie-Shane! 

We hope you have the best day! 👍


Your daily lessons ✍🏼 are shared below. 👇🏾
Our new project is ‘People of the Past’ and this week, there will be 3️⃣ lessons for you to learn all about Christopher Columbus. 🗺 ⛵️ 


This week there is also a story time 📖 section for you to enjoy 😉 another of Roald Dahl’s wonderful stories! 

We know it can be difficult learning from home 🏠 so try your best to complete the 3️⃣ lessons below. Break up your home 🏡 learning by logging into TTRS or Mathletics and having brain 🧠 breaks! 

Remember, we would love 💓 to see the learning you are doing at home 🏠 so please share with us! Today’s familiar face is Mrs Jennings’ - we just want you all to know we are missing you!



Stay safe, take care and be kind. 💓

Happy 😆 home 🏠 learning - week 12! 

Lesson 1 - Word Endings


RWI Phonics on their YouTube channel:

Christopher Columbus ⛵️🌊🌏

Lesson 1 - Who Was Christopher Columbus?


Watch the BBC Bitesize video, read the key facts and complete the activity:


Print the sheet below, if you can, and write sentences to match the pictures. If you can’t print the sheet then draw your own pictures and write sentences. ✍️  We would love 💓 to see a photo of your work!

🦊 Fantastic Mr Fox 🦊


Listen 👂🏽 and/or read Chapter 1:

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
