Our Year 1 children have made a fantastic start to life in Year 1. They come in every day with a big smile and a positive attitude - fantastic! Children are adapting well to our 'No Problem' maths lessons, trying so hard to join in and explain their working out. We are so proud of them! Keep up the good work, children. It is going to be a fantastic year!
Photograph consent forms
During September, we sent out photograph consent forms to ask your permission for your child's photographs to be used on our school website. Many thanks to everyone who returned them. We are now waiting for the last few forms to be returned and then, most excitingly of all, we can start putting lots of fantastic photographs of our Year 1 learners on our class page!
Next term's topic - Time Travellers
Next half term, we will be starting our 'Time Travellers' project! We will learn about the past and how life is different today from how it was a long time ago. In December, we will also go on a trip to Aston Hall to find out what life was like in Birmingham hundreds of years ago. Over half term, when you're out and about, perhaps you could look at buildings around you and talk about old and new buildings and how they are different - encourage your child to become a history detective!
Time Travellers - History Museum
Just to let you know in advance, in November we will be sending out a letter to let you know about our Year 1 museum. We will ask children to bring in something special from home which reminds them of a special event in their family e.g. a christening gown or shawl, a holiday photograph, a party invitation etc. We will then use these items to set up a museum in each classroom. Children will make a card for their exhibit and get to talk all about their special object and special event to our museum visitors (teachers and children from other year 1 classes). They will also get the opportunity to visit the other Year 1 museums. So, have a look over half term, and see what you can find!
Homework is sent out every Friday to be completed at home during the week. Don't forget that children also have their own personal log-in details for Education City and Mathletics where additional homework is set. We are so impressed with the number of children who have been doing and returning their homework each week. It is great to practise our learning at home!
Just a reminder that all classes have P.E. on Friday. Children need their P.E. kit in school i.e. shorts, a t-shirt and pumps. Please make sure that all kit is named. If children wear earrings, these need to be removed before school on P.E. day. Thank you.
We already have some children who have changed their reading book ten times this term - well done to you all! Your reading superhero looks very proud on our display! Please remember to read at home as often as you can and put your book bag in the book change box, ready to be changed that day. We can't wait to see all of our children's superheroes up on our display so keep reading everyone!
This term's project: Our World
We have already done some great learning this half term. We have been on an 'Our World' treasure hunt, collected lots of special treasures on a learning adventure and created some fantastic art work based upon the world around us. We have learned about human and physical features in our world and are getting better at using geography words to describe the world around us. Next, we plan to find out more about what is in soil and what plants need to grow well. Year 1 is full of fabulous little learners!