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Timberley Academy

Timberley Cuisine

Timberley Cuisine


At Timberley we understand the importance of food and the role it plays in children's health, happiness and learning. At Timberley we have a farm, orchard and allotments, in which organic, free-range eggs are produced, along with seasonal fruit and veg. Fresh drinking water is available to all children, throughout the day. Fruit and fresh salad are available during every lunchtime. Freshly-made sandwiches, with a range of fillings are available alongside our hot cooked meals. Along with a daily dessert, we also have available cheese and crackers and low fat yoghurts.


School Council meet to discuss a variety of school-based issues, one of which is the catering here at Timberley. Their suggestions and recommendations are listened to and have an influence on the way the outside area is run and the choices available in our kitchen.


We also offer a breakfast club and  Tea Club for working parents, which provides children a  meal and fun activities they can participate in with their friends. All other children in school are offered bagels as they arrive at school to ensure everyone has breakfast- Thank you to Magic Breakfast for our bagels and cereal.


School Meals are charged at £2.60 per day for KS2, unless receiving Free School Meals.

Breakfast Club is free to all children from 8am - 8.30am but requires a booking.

Tea Club is charged at £10.00 per session and requires a booking.






Timberley Special Day Menu Thursday 16th May 24

Timberley Academy Tea Club Menu's Weeks 1 - 3

Timberley Academy Spring 2024 Dinner Menu's Week 1 - 3

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
