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Timberley Academy

Scheme of Delegation - part 2 22/23





This planner is for the Trust Board to complete



Level 1

Decision to be taken by full Trust Board


Level 2

Decision to be delegated to a committee of the Trust Board


Level 3

Decision to be delegated to an individual Trustee


Level 4

Decision to be delegated to the Principal


Level 5

Principal day-to-day management


Column blank

Action could be undertaken at this level


Column blocked off

Function cannot be legally carried out at this level


Column with lighter shading

Not recommended at this level.






Decision level








For Clerk

Key Function


Full Trust Board


Individual Trustee

Delegate to Principal

Principal day to day






To prepare the first formal budget plan







To approve the first formal budget plan each financial year.







To monitor monthly expenditure






To receive and consider monitoring reports at least 3 times per year







To approve the writing off of irrecoverable debts up to (£500) and the disposal of surplus and damaged equipment.







To enter into contracts/leases (above set financial limit)







To enter into contracts/leases (below set financial limit)







To approve/make payments according to approved system.







To establish and review ordering and  payment systems







To set a charging and remissions policy







To ensure provision of free school meals to those pupils meeting the  criteria (where delegated by LA to Trust Board)







To approve transfer between budget headings (virement) within agreed  limits of £1000







To receive, and where appropriate respond to reports from Auditors.






To ensure that school fund is properly audited for presentation to the Trust Board (TB)
















To appoint other teachers







To appoint teachers to leadership group (as defined byTB)






To appoint non teaching staff outside the leadership group







To draft/amend and review whole school pay policy







To decide on recommendations  relating to the pay of all members of staff







To implement disciplinary procedures







To agree disciplinary/capability procedures.







To dismiss Principal (TB must act through disciplinary committee)







To dismiss other staff (TB must act through disciplinary committee but  normally delegated to head







To suspend Principal







To suspend staff (except Principal)







To end suspension (Principal)







To end suspension (except Principal)







To determine staff complement







To approve applications for early retirement, secondment and leave of  absence not covered by local agreements







To establish and maintain a performance management policy







To develop, review and oversee implementation of the governing body's personnel policies.







To appoint Principal (on recommendation of selection panel)







To appoint Vice Principal (on recommendation of selection panel)






To implement the performance management of staff.







To implement the performance management of the Principal







To draft and review a policy on absence management







To agree and monitor a training strategy for teachers, support staff and Trustees

















To ensure National Curriculum is taught to all pupils (monitoring curriculum)







To consider any disapplication from National Curriculum for pupil(s)







To draft curriculum policy







To agree or reject curriculum policy







To implement curriculum policy







To monitor and review implementation of the curriculum policy







To ensure that the school meets for 380 sessions in a school year







To set the times of school sessions and the dates of school terms and holidays







To ensure that the curriculum contributes to community cohesion







To decide which subject options should be taught having regard to resources, and implement provision for flexibility in the curriculum (including activities outside the school day)







To ensure that only approved external qualifications and syllabuses are offered to pupils of compulsory school age







To monitor standards of teaching







To take responsibility for individual child’s education







To make and keep up to date a written policy on Sex Education







To prohibit political indoctrination and ensuring the balanced treatment of political issues







To set and publish targets for pupil achievement







To review and amend curriculum policies







To ensure that the school appoints a Special Educational Needs Coordinator







To review (amend) and monitor the school’s SEN policy







To discharge other duties in respect of pupils with special educational needs







To review (amend) and monitor the governing body’s other policies to ensure inclusion (in regard to gender, social disadvantage, race equality and disability discrimination)







To ensure that the Principal sends the Foundation Stage Profile assessments and Key Stage 1 teacher assessments results to the LA







To monitor pupil achievement against set targets







To approve off-site visits and activities of up to 1 day







To approve off-site visits and activities of more than 24 hours or which involve a hazardous pursuit or journey by air or sea


















To ensure that recommendations following OFSTED inspection are incorporated into the School Plan







To prepare and review a strategy for school improvement on the following outcomes:

  • Stay safe
  • Be healthy
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Achieve economic well-being
  • Make a positive contribution







To agree priorities for the School Plan







To approve School Plan







To monitor School Plan overall



















Principals have the powers to search, with or without consent, a pupil whom they reasonably suspect is carrying a knife or other weapon







To decide a discipline policy







To exclude a pupil for one or more fixed terms (no exceeding 45 days in total in a year) or permanently







To review the use of exclusion and to decide whether or not to confirm all permanent exclusions (and fixed term exclusions where necessary)







To direct reinstatement of excluded pupils







To review the overall pattern and use of exclusions within the school






To monitor and review pupil attendance







To set attendance targets







To decide whether parenting contracts should form part of the school’s attendance policy







To implement parent contracts














Pupil Welfare





To ensure that school policy and procedure for Looked After Children are consistent with measures set out in the statutory guidance







To decide whether to appoint a designated governor for Safeguarding Children or to retain as a full TB task







To carry out annual review of Safeguarding children and Child Protection policy and procedures and report to the Trust







To decide the content, presentation and cost of school food.














Collective Worship


To make arrangements for collective worship in schools without religious character (after consulting TB)







In all maintained schools to ensure that all pupils take part in a daily act of collective worship (after consulting TB)







To make application to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) to disapply the Christian requirements for collective worship (after consulting TB)














Religious Education


To provide RE in line with school’s basic curriculum (implementation)







To ensure provision of RE in line with school’s basic curriculum (monitoring)

















Proposal to alter or discontinue voluntary foundation or foundation special school








To consider forming, joining or leaving a federation







To appoint (and remove) the Chair and Vice-Chair of a permanent or a temporary TB







To appoint and dismiss the clerk to the TB







To appoint and remove community trustees







To appoint and remove associate members







To set up a Register or Governors’ Business interests







To approve and set up an Expenses scheme







To consider whether or not to exercise delegation of functions to individuals or committees







To regulate the TB procedures (where not set out in law) e.g. Standing orders







To establish and review committees annually







Agree a policy and protocol for Trustee visits to the school







To draw up instrument of government and any amendments thereafter







To agree proposals to change category of school














Extended schools





To research and review the opportunities/challenges arising from extended school provision (from a premises and resources perspective)







To decide to offer additional activities under extended schools provision – or to cease provision







To put into place additional services provided







To ensure delivery of services provided

















To consult annually before setting an admissions policy







To implement Admissions Policy







To consult annually before setting an admissions policy








To establish an admissions policy (where pupils do not have a statement)







To appeal against Local Authority direction to admit pupils
















To publish the School Prospectus







To draft text in School Profile







To approve and publish the School Profile annually







To plan and coordinate strategies by which the TB can demonstrate its accountability and consult parents and community







To adopt and review home-school agreements







To ensure that school lunch nutritional standards are met


















To consider matters relating to the role of the school in the community, including public relations







To ensure that the school contributes to community cohesion


















To obtain buildings insurance – TB to seek advice where appropriate







To develop a buildings strategy (including budgeting for repairs etc)







To procure and agree a maintenance strategy for new buildings including developing a properly funded maintenance plan







To review security of school premises and equipment







To agree level of maintenance service  the school will buy from service providers







To research and be involved in drawing up an Accessibility Plan for the school







To recommend a hiring policy to the governing body and to oversee its implementation







To approve hiring policy and charges














Health and Safety


To establish a Health and Safety policy







To implement health and safety arrangements







To monitor health and safety arrangements







To ensure that suitable risk assessments are prepared and action taken to minimise risk







To monitor accident book and agree appropriate action






Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
