Welcome to Religious Education!
This week at school we have celebrated Diwali. All classes took part in different activities to celebrate.
Learn more here about the major world religions. Do you follow a religion? Perhaps you could share your religious beliefs and background in class.
KS1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ks1-religious-studies/zmtvwty
KS2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ks2-religious-studies/z6pbqp3
The Birmingham Agreed Syllabus
All pupils at Timberley Academy are entitled to receive a programme of teaching and learning in Religious Education in line with The Birmingham Agreed Syllabus 2022. We teach R.E. as a separate subject on a weekly basis, following the agreed scheme of work (which is mainly follows the Christian path), but takes account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions.
Parents retain the right to withdraw their children from any form of Religious Education, including collective worship, under the 1988 Education Reform Act. For further information, please refer to the school's R.E. and Collective Worship Policies.