Wow Freya! You are a true superstar!
You have set up our experiment perfectly and we are very excited to see what will happen to your squirty cream in the freezer! I can’t wait to read your results later.
It is so lovely to see you enjoying yourself at home and keeping that beautiful smile on your face! Everyone at Timberley Academy is so incredibly proud of you and your hard work!
Christmas cards
We have made the decision not to allow children to hand our Christmas cards in school this year. They can, however, bring in a Christmas picture they have made at home to be displayed in the classroom. We can scan and display the pictures on our whiteboard for the children to see. These will also be added to our class page for parents to see.
Its competition time for all primary age children to produce a poster that explains how important it is to follow the coronavirus rules in Birmingham to the theme of ‘It’s a fact!’
Early years and primary aged children in Birmingham (11 and under) are tasked with producing posters or pieces of artwork that explain to their families, their friends and the wider community how important it is that everyone in Birmingham follows the national guidance as well as the local restrictions that are in place:
Wash hands: keep washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds.
Cover face: wear a face covering in enclosed spaces.
Make space: stay at least 2 metres apart - or 1 metre with a face covering or
other precautions.
In Birmingham you must not socialise with anybody outside of your household or support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place.
Children should be encouraged to reflect on why the rules are in place and how important it is for everyone to play their part in keeping Birmingham safe.
All entries will need to be returned to school on Monday 2nd November 2020. Good Luck
Welcome to Year 4! We can't wait to have you back in school. Just a little sneak peak of your new classrooms! Have a look below :)
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