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Timberley Academy


At Timberley, we use the No Nonsense Spelling scheme to support our planning and teaching of spelling. The No Nonsense Spelling Programme offers teachers a comprehensive yet accessible progression in the teaching of spelling. Guidance, rather than prescription, is provided on how to teach the strategies, knowledge and skills pupils need to learn.


The focus of the programme is on the teaching of spelling, which embraces knowledge of spelling conventions - patterns and rules; but integral to the teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exception words and persona spellings.


This scheme is used as a tool for planning and teachers are encouraged to use their discretion as to what needs to be taught for the pupils in their class.


In Year 5 and 6, individual spellings are sent home to be tested to using the statutory words lists.

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
