From September 2014, the Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about the services and provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND).
Here at Timberley Academy we work closely together as a SEND team. We work with children, teachers, parents and outside agencies to ensure that all our pupil’s needs are met.
Our school has a variety of key policies which directly impact upon our provision for children with SEND, which are all available as part of our school website, which include:
If you would like to speak to any of the team please contact us through the school office or call 0121 464 2002 to arrange an appointment.
Donna Lawrence
If you would like to view the Birmingham Authority’s Local Offer please click on the link below