Read Write Inc. Literacy and Language follows on from Phonics and Comprehension.
This complete literacy programme for fluent readers in Years 2 to Year 6 teaches children to read, write and discuss texts with maturity.
The beautifully written stories and non-fiction texts are written by well-known authors to engage children in studying whole texts.
Detailed lesson plans for teaching comprehension, vocabulary and grammar give teachers time to prepare engaging lessons.
At times, teachers may teach blocks of writing and grammar separately to Literacy and Language. Following careful monitoring of teaching and work scrutiny, and from qualitative feedback from teachers and pupils, we have adapted some units of Literacy and Language in order to better suit the needs of our pupils and to improve engagement in lessons. Teachers and leaders worked closely together to create medium term plans, mapping out when and how teachers may be adapting units or teaching standalone blocks that link to IPC projects (for example, writing instructions linked to the Y4 project around Egypt).