Spring Term Music at Timberley
In spite of the pandemic, here at Timberley Academy we have continued to provide our children with Music lessons. Whether in school or at home, music has continued to flourish and the children have enjoyed their sessions led by Ms Salt who provided online lessons and alternative ways to create music using household objects.
Below you will be able to see and hear a sample of the work we have been creating during the Spring Term.
In our Reception classes the children have been using egg shakers, claves, drums, cymbals and their own voices to add music to one of their favourite Traditional Tales - The Three Little Pigs.
In Year 1 they have continued with their journey along the Four Seasons. They have been using the claves, egg shakers, hand-bells, maracas and their voices to produce music that celebrates the wonderful colours of Spring.
Our Year 5 children have been studying the Ancient Greeks and as part of tehri music lessons learnt and performed songs about characters from the Greek myths as well as composing and performing their own musical compositions on chime bars.
The Year 6 children have been studying civilisations from the AD900 era of history including the African Kingdom of Benin. As part of their music sessions they learnt and performed traditional African folk songs and learnt how to play a range of traditional instruments.
Monday 8th June 2020
Hello I hope you have been enjoying the Arts during these unusual times. Ms Salt has sent some more music activities and a song file for our younger children to enjoy and develop their musical skills. Just click on the links, have fun and enjoy!
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Keep your music knowledge up-to-date with these fun puzzles from Ms Salt. Remember, if you don't know the meaning of any of the words use a dictionary to look them up. Enjoy and no cheating, only look at the answer sheet once you have had a go yourself.