Nut Aware Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Raise awareness about allergies to all our school community.
- To minimise the risk of any pupil suffering a severe allergic reaction whilst at school or attending any school related activity.
- This policy sets out how the school will support pupils with allergies, to ensure they are safe and are not disadvantaged in any way whilst taking part in school life.
- Give assurance to those pupils/families with severe allergies that we take the management of these seriously.
We are not a nut-free school but we aim to be as Nut Aware as we can. It is impossible to provide an absolute guarantee that no nuts will be brought onto the premises but we will strive to minimise this as much as we can.
This policy serves to set out all measures to reduce the risk to those children and adults who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive. The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk.
Parent responsibilities
- On entry to the school, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform reception staff and/or admissions leader. This information should include all previous severe allergic reactions, history of anaphylaxis and details of all prescribed medication.
- Parents are to supply a copy of their child’s Paediatric Allergy Action Plan (BSACI plans preferred) to school. If they do not currently have an Paediatric Allergy Action Plan this should be developed as soon as possible in collaboration with a healthcare professional e.g. Schools nurse/GP/allergy specialist.
- Parents are responsible for ensuring any required medication is supplied, in date and replaced as necessary
- Parents are requested to keep the school up to date with any changes in allergy management. The Paediatric Allergy Action Plan will be kept updated accordingly.
Staff Responsibilities
- Designated members of staff will complete anaphylaxis training. Training is provided for those staff on a yearly basis.
- Staff must be aware of the pupils in their care (regular or cover classes) who have known allergies as an allergic reaction could occur at any time and not just at mealtimes. Any food-related activities must be supervised with due caution.
- Staff leading school trips will ensure they carry all relevant emergency supplies. Trip leaders will check that all pupils with medical conditions, including allergies, carry their medication. Pupils unable to produce their required medication will not be able to attend the trip.
- Medication Lead will ensure that the up to date Paediatric Allergy Action Plan is kept with the pupil’s medication.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure all medication is in date however the medication lead will check the medication kept at school on a termly basis and send a reminder to parents if medication is approaching expiry
- The medication lead keeps a register of pupils who have been prescribed an Adrenaline Auto Injector and a record of use of any AAI(s) and emergency treatment given.
Pupil Responsibilities
- Pupils are encouraged to have a good awareness of their symptoms and to let an adult know as soon as they suspect they are having an allergic reaction.
However, symptoms of anaphylaxis can come on very suddenly, so school staff need to be prepared to administer medication if the young person cannot.
We ask that all members of the school community manage the day to day application of this policy in the following ways:
- Parents and carers are requested NOT to send food to school that contains nuts. This includes all types of whole nuts, nuts as ingredients and any other food containing nuts.
- Staff will be alert to any obvious signs of nuts being brought in, but they will not inspect all food brought into school.
- Parents will be contacted of pupils that DO bring in food that does contain nuts or nut products and they will be offered an alternative from school.
- Pupils will be asked NOT to share food.
- Designated members of staff are trained in understanding and dealing with Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) and will use this training as the need arises.
The school menu is available for parents to view on the school website and any enquires should be directed to the Catering Manager/Supervisor.
The school office staff will inform the Catering Manager/Cook/Chef of pupils with food allergies.
Children with identified allergies will wear yellow lanyards to lunch so they are easily identified to all staff.
The school adheres to the following guidance recommendations:
- All catering staff will be trained via our CMC consultant in allergen awareness and labelling regulations.
- As the Food Business Operator the school follows the Food Information Regulations 2014 which states that allergen information relating to the 14 allergens is available for all food products, this is managed on a day to day basis by the catering manager in school and supported by CMC systems.
- The school will ensure that new labelling regulations for Pre Packed for Direct Sale items (PPDS) are adhered to, this is managed on a day to day basis by the catering manager in school and supported by CMC systems.
- Some product ingredient lists contain precautionary allergen labelling, i.e. “May contain”. It is down to individual preference whether pupils consume products labelled as ‘may contain’, and this should be included on the Individual Healthcare Plan. The catering team will mark these items on their Allergen Daily Matrix form.
- The pupil should be taught to also check with catering staff, before purchasing food or selecting their lunch choice.
- Food should not be given to primary school age food-allergic children without parental engagement and permission (e.g. birthday parties, food treats).
- If food is purchased from the school canteen/tuck shop, parents should check the appropriateness of foods and are encouraged to contact the school/academy.
Other School Based Activities
- Use of food in crafts, cooking classes, science experiments and special events (e.g. fetes, assemblies, cultural events) needs to be considered and may need to be restricted/risk assessed depending on the allergies of particular children and their age.
- In arts/craft, an appropriate alternative ingredient can be substituted (e.g. wheat-free flour for play dough or cooking). Consider substituting non-food containers for egg cartons.
The policy will be promoted by:
- A copy of this policy being made available to all parents and carers.
- Staff being informed and provided with training opportunities.
- Pupils being informed via teachers and support staff.
- Publication of this policy on the school website.