Curriculum Leaders: Mr Kinsman and Mrs Sheppard
At Timberley Academy, our intent is for all children to become fluent in basic maths skills and confident when applying these skills to reasoning and problem solving.
The aims of our maths teaching are aligned with the aims of the National Curriculum 2014: fluency, reasoning and problem solving – both in the mathematics lesson and across the curriculum. Pupils need to recognise basic number facts and acquire fluency in procedures, alongside developing conceptual understanding so that they are to be able to solve increasingly complex problems to meet the needs of present and future society. A mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics has been adopted, so we have high expectations of all our pupils and we encourage them to reason using mathematical skills and language. We endeavour to make the mathematics curriculum accessible to all pupils; moving them through the programme of study at broadly the same pace, teaching small steps and regularly revisiting previous knowledge throughout the year. All children need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning in order to make rich connections and that future learning is built upon firm foundations.
We use White Rose planning and NCETM curriculum prioritisation materials in Years 1 to 6 to inform planning and are guided by Development matters in EYFS. We supplement this with a wide range of other high quality teaching and learning resources, which include: Power Maths, Maths No Problem, Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots and Nrich.
At the beginning of each maths lesson children complete a Flashback 4 or Re-cap activity which relates back to previous learning to strengthen children's retention of knowledge. Small steps are used to plan a series of lessons to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Our lessons are planned to use the CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach where children are encouraged to physically represent mathematical concepts using concrete resources, use pictorial (models and images) to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols.
We follow White Rose planning to decide which units we teach each week. Please follow the link below to see what your children are learning:
At Timberley Academy, we recognise the valuable contribution that parents can make to children's success in mathematics.
Please click on the link below for some practical ideas from the BBC.
The children have access to a number of online sites to consolidate their learning. These are some of the ones we recommend you use at home: