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Timberley Academy

Timberley Tots Nursery


Welcome to Timberley Tots Nursery!

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!

If you are interested in your child attending our nursery, please pop to the school office to complete an application form.

We offer places for children the term after they turn three years old and so are  entitled to 15 hours free  nursery education. Entitlement is offered in the form of five mornings or five afternoons. If you do apply for a place, please ensure that you circle your preference of mornings or afternoons.

Should you wish to find out more information about nursery, do come and speak to a member of the nursery staff.

The Chicken Family Group visit Shard End Library.

Letters and Sounds


Now that we are halfway through our Nursery year, we are starting to focus on learning some letter sounds. We have started our Phonics sessions, which we have on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We are listening to the sounds at the beginning of our names and learning the Jolly Phonics action for them. We have also been looking at the letter our names start with and learning to write them.  The children have been trying very hard and are making good progress!



At Parents' Evening, several parents asked us about our Nursery targets, which are included below. We have two sets of targets, depending upon where the children currently are with their learning and development. However, it is important to remember that every child is different. They all have different strengths and talents and develop at different rates in different areas of their learning. At this stage, some children will already show an interest in reading and writing and will be keen to learn more. However, other children may not yet be tuned into this. This is perfectly normal and, once they are ready, you'll know!


Spring term targets 2014

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
