Our next topic is all about rainforests. Use the links below to gather some research or try one of the activities we have provided.
Can you research information about rainforests and create a PowerPoint presentation (if you have access to a computer at home). If not, can you create a fact file on your favourite rainforest animal or even create a list of fascinating facts or did you know questions about the rainforest - draw pictures and make it colourful.
Henri Rousseau 1844 - 1910
- Born in France.
- Never had any art lessons.
- Never visited the jungle!
- Painted house plants and wild flowers for his jungle paintings and often looked at pictures in books.
What animals can you see?
- He used very simple colours.
- He had very clear outlines.
- He filled jungle paintings with animals in the foreground and lush green plants in the background.
- He painted leaves and grass piece by piece.
- He often painted huge over-sized flowers.
Can you recreate one of Rousseau’s paintings?