Make a poster for the missing reindeer!
Daily reading of Home Reading book.
Year 2 Homework:
Daily reading of Home Reader book
Y2 Homework:
Money worksheet
Education City games - Dino day out, Dinosaurs of notes and Penny Sweets.
Year 2 Homework:
Practice Phonics Screening Check booklet
Daily reading of home reader book
Year 2 Homework:
Education City Maths - Adding over, Spin a ring and Swing a ring.
Education City English - Spelling in the drizzle and Stellar spelling
Daily reading of home reader book.
Our homework this week:
Education City - Holiday reading, By the brook, Snakes on the brain and Snakes and adders.
Miss Browne's Literacy Group - Sentence types worksheet
Miss Russell's/Mrs Cambridge's Literacy Group - Phonics worksheets
Please continue to read your home reading book daily
This week the children will be sent home with some sound and word sheets to practise reading. The sheets will contain some real words and some nonsense words.
We encourage the children to spot the special friend first, fred talk and then read the words. This is in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check, after half term.
Miss Browne's Literacy group - 60 second read (House for Sale).
Please continue daily reading of the home reader book.
We are so impressed at how well the children are looking after their home reading books and how many are coming into school everyday for our reading time. Well done Year 2!
This week, there is homework set on Purple Mash. The two activities for the children to complete are; Air Traffic Control and Princess and the Frog. A Year 2 battle has been set on TTRS for the children to take part in. We would also like children to continue to practise daily reading of their Home Reader book.
Happy Learning!
This weeks homework is:
Education City - Sunken Treasure, Little Hikes, Apple Addition and Know your place.
Miss Russell's Literacy group - Phonics sound and word sheet
Miss Browne's Literacy group - Capital letters and full stops
Mrs Cambridge's Literacy group - Set 2 sound and word sheets
Don't forget to practise reading your home reader book everyday!
Happy learning!
On Friday your child will be sent home with paper Maths Homework.
If your child has the 'Reading and Writing Numbers to 100 Worksheet'- they need to complete the table to include the numeral, number in words, tens, ones and illustration.
If your child has the 'Missing Numbers' sheet - they need to fill in the missing numbers, using the number line to help them.
Please send this back to the class teacher when your child has completed it.
Please continue to listen to your child read their home reader book (Books can be changed on Tuesday and Thursdays)
Happy learning!
Please Note - Your child only needs to access home learning work on J2launch if they are self-isolating. This is not weekly homework. Weekly homework will be either paper homework sent on a Friday or work set on Education City/Purple Mash/TTRS. Keep checking the class page for updates
This weeks homework is on Education City (18.9.2020-25.9.2020)
Literacy activities - Head in the clouds and on On Cue
Maths activities - Plaice Value and Flower fun
A big well done to the children who have taken part in the battle on Timestable Rockstars! This will really help you when we are using the 2s, 5s and 10 timestables in class!