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Timberley Academy


Good morning everyone 🌈 


What is going on with the weather? One minute its sunny, the next its thunderstorms and today looks like it's going to be very wet. So we are going to have a quiet day sorting out our toys and reading some stories then hopefully going to splash in some puddles later :).

What are you up to today?


Todays lessons are:


Maths- Lesson 4- Making Equal Groups (grouping)

I have attached the worksheet below, but remember to watch the video first 🥰



Have a look at today's speed sound on the RWI youtube channel.

They are now also doing Hold a Sentence too!! We would love it if you could give those a try :). Send us your super sentences!





 We are carrying on with our Waffle Challenges linked to flowers and insects 🕷 🐜 🐝 🌷 🌻

Here are some videos all about plants if you want to find out more 🥰




This week's story is Mad about Minibeasts


Can you complete the rhyming word challenge below??


Remember, we have have a special star section for any work that you send in, so please keep showing us what you've been up to we can't wait to see!! 🌟 

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
