Who works in Year 5?
5M - Miss Masters and Mrs Wainman.
5B - Mr Breese, Mr Harrison and Miss Moreton.
5S - Mrs Moore and Mrs Randle.
School starts at 8:40 for those children who would like to join us for 'Get, Set Go' Morning Activities. Remember, these gain us 'Timberley Money' for class prizes, so try to come in every day for your mark.
Please bring a water bottle with you, labelled, each day.
Please remember to bring your reading book in each day too.
Children do not need to bring in any stationary as we have pencil cases with all they need in school.
Also, children do not need to bring in any toys (including fidget toys). School will provide them if they are needed.
In Year 5, our homework is set on a Friday and due back in the following Wednesday. Homework consists of Maths, Reading Comprehension and Grammar.
Children will also receive individualised spellings to learn on Friday, ready for a test on the following Wednesday.
PE is on a Thursday afternoon.
For 5B, they also have swimming on a Monday morning (starting Monday 28th February) and therefore need to bring in their swim kit and a towel for Monday.