The Full Trust Board
The Trust Board needs to take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the School and be accountable for its decisions, is should set aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities.
Terms of reference:
Membership – as below:
Disqualification – as per Regulation 20 and Schedule 6 of the Constitution Regulations
These terms of reference agreed by the Trust Board October 2022
Name of Trustee | End of term of office |
Kelly Edwards | 10/10/2023 |
Carol Harris | 01/05/2024 |
Catherine Harris | Headteacher |
Rebecca Hayes | 28/09/2025 |
Charlotte McLaughlin | 08/12/2026 |
Sally Simpson | 08/12/2026 |
Jessica Masters | 10/10/2023 |
Kieran Morris | 10/03/2025 |
Jennifer Sills | 10/03/2025 |
The Committees
Role of the Committee
What Decisions can be made?
Committees are given delegated powers to undertake work and make decisions on the behalf of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees still has the final responsibility for any decision taken by its Committees. Those decisions must be reported to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. This would normally be done by the way of presenting minutes, which set out the points discussed and the Committees decisions/recommendations.
The Chair of the Committee has no power to make decisions without reference to the Committee itself. Only the Chair of the Board of Trustees, acting with the authority of the Body, can act in an emergency when it is not practical to convene a meeting.
Review of Performance
Governing Bodies must review the working of their Committees on an annual basis, under normal circumstances this will be at the termly meeting in the Autumn Term.
Delegation of Functions
The Board of Trustees can NOT delegate the following functions:
The Board of Trustees can NOT delegate the following functions to an individual:
Committee meetings must be carried out according to rules similar to those which apply to Board of Trustees meetings. For example, Committee members are entitled to seven days written notice of a meeting and its agenda. Minutes of all Committee meetings must be kept, including the names of those present and then forwarded to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.
The Committees, their terms of reference, composition and membership, are attached.
TIMBERLEY ACADEMY TRUST - Common Conventions for All Committees
How and when to report back to Board of Trustees
Minutes to be presented to the next appropriate meeting of the full Board of Trustees. The Committee Chairman will report to the Board of Trustees.
Meetings to be called, agenda prepared, minutes taken
Meetings to be convened by the Headteacher in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the Clerk to the Trustees.
Agenda to be prepared by the Clerk to the Trustees and distributed together with any supporting papers.
Minutes to be taken by the Clerk to the Trustees.
Chairperson appointed
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees to be elected at the first meeting of the Committee following the School Trustees annual review of committees.
Frequency of meeting
As determined by statutory and/or at the request of the Chair of the Committee.
Finance, Audit & Staffing Committee
1. Membership
The Committee shall consist of 4 Trustees and the Headteacher in a voting capacity. The committee can ask the Board of Trustees to appoint up to 2 non-voting members with appropriate financial skills.
2. Quorum
The quorum shall be 3 voting members of which the Headteacher should be one.
3.1 The committee will meet at least once a term.
3.2 Any additional meetings will be called as necessary; at least 7 days notice must be given when calling a committee meeting.
5.1 The committee shall elect a Chair/Vice Chair annually, usually at the first meeting of the academic year
5.3 In the absence of the appointed Chair the Committee can appoint a member to act as Chair for the meeting
6.1 The Chair will report to the full Board of Trustees on main decisions taken and any recommendations that the Board of Trustees needs to vote on.
7.1 The committee will be responsible for the preparation. It will establish formal procedures and timetables for planning the budget and will require the Headteacher to produce estimates of expenditure and income sufficiently in advance of each financial year, even if the details of the school's funding have not been finalised, so it can determine priorities in accordance with the School Improvement Plan.
7.2 It is the responsibility of the committee, in preparing the Draft Annual Budget, to work within the indicative budget, for the forthcoming year and for it to indicate clearly any use that it is proposing to make of contingency reserves, so that where appropriate, the Board of Trustees is fully informed of the final decision.
7.3 The committee will receive budget reports, termly from the Business Manager, from Sage and from the Headteacher, for consideration, prior to them being reported to the Board of Trustees.
7.4 The committee will give the Headteacher responsibility for administration of the budget and its day-to-day control and monitoring.
7.5 The Committee, with the Headteacher, will assess at least once a year, financial progress towards achieving the objectives in the School Development Plan and, consistent with this aim, will review projected expenditure for future years in accordance with the School Development Plan, working wherever possible on a three year rolling programme.
7.6 Review the financial implications on the budget of the Teachers Pay and Conditions document.
7.7 Receive the annual accounts and certificate of audit of the school fund and other voluntary funds held within the school.
7.8 Assess the school's insurance cover to ensure that it provides adequate protection against risks.
any surplus stock.
personal interest in the business of the Committee.
termination and promotion of staff (other than Headteacher/Vice Headteacher, where
special arrangements apply).
7.10 Review and recommend for adoption the procedures for staff discipline, grievance and redundancy and ensure that all staff are aware of them.
retirement and extension of sick pay.
meets the requirement of the Curriculum and is in line with the SDP.
numbers, salaries, scales and allowances for all staff members.
make recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
next and subsequent years for the Finance, Audit & Staffing Committee
local trends and policies
Curriculum & Assessment Committee
The membership shall be 4 Trustees plus the Headteacher. The Committee members can ask the Board of Trustees to appoint up to 2 non-voting members with appropriate curriculum skills.
The quorum shall be 3 Trustees.
The Committee will meet when required and will hold at least one meeting per school year, 7 days notice must be given.
Premises Committee
The membership shall be 4 Trustees plus the Headteacher in a voting capacity.
The quorum shall be 3 Trustees.
The Committee will meet as and when required at least once per school year. Any additional meetings will be called as necessary; at least 7 days notice must be given when calling a committee meeting.
Reporting to G.B.
Area of responsibility
Discipline, Appeals & Complaint Committee
Discipline & Complaints
The Committee shall consist of no fewer than 3 Trustees, none of which can be employed by the Academy.
The Committee shall have such co-opted non-voting members as the Board of Trustees shall appoint. The committee may make recommendations for these appointments.
The quorum shall be 3 Trustees. The Headteacher may exercise the right to attend to give advice.
The committee shall meet as required. The Trustees will be notified when it has been necessary to convene a meeting. To consider and make any initial decisions about the discipline of both staff and pupils when necessary.
In respect of a complaint, the Trustees are to hear individual complaints and make recommendations on policy as a result of complaints.
The Panel can:
Appeals Panel
The Committee shall consist of no fewer than 3 Trustees, none of which can by employed by the Academy and have not taken part in the prior Disciplinary meeting.
The Committee shall have such co-opted non-voting members as the Board of Trustees shall appoint. The committee may make recommendations for these appointments.
The quorum shall be 3 Trustees. The Headteacher may exercise the right to attend to give advice.
The committee shall meet as required. The Trustees shall be informed and consulted whenever it is necessary to convene a meeting.
Terms of reference.
To consider and decide on any appeals against decisions of the Discipline and Exclusion panel in accordance with Timberley Academy procedures.