Welcome to Reception
It's Time To Say Goodbye!
That time of year is nearly upon us again when the children will be moving up into their new year groups. All the Reception Team would like to say a how very proud we are of all the children for a fantastic year in Reception and for everything they have achieved! I am sure they will go on and make the Year One teachers just as proud as they have made us!
In preparation for the end of year, all reading books will now be collected in, so please do not expect your child to be coming home with a reading book now until they have moved into Year One. Thank you again for all the support you have given to your child with their reading at home, it is always lovely to hear that they have read with an adult at home and I know the children really enjoy sharing their books with their grown ups!
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing Summer!
Ready Steady Go...!
Thank you to all who came to support Reception's Sports Day. The children had a fantastic time taking part in the races and the Reception Team would like to say a big Well Done to all the children for taking part and trying their very best!
At the beginning of the topic, we asked the children what they would like to learn over the course of our Holidays topic. They said they wanted to learn about different languages and different foods! So we've been learning how to answer the register in a range of languages! We have practised, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese!
On Friday, the children also had a tasting afternoon, where we tasted foods from around the word. We visited Mexico, China, France, Germany and India!
Thank you to all the children who have brought photos in from their holidays! The children have loved showing their friends and discussing the different destinations they have visited.
Keep an eye out for photographs of the children exploring are Holiday activities!
Yay for Beach Day!!
Wow! What a day we had! It was lovely to see the children come into school in their summer clothes ready to go on holiday!
Once, everyone was checked in, we hopped on the aeroplane, watched the safety video, fastened our seat belts and off we went!
Once we landed we had so much fun, splashing round in the water, building sandcastles, bouncing on the bouncy castle and riding the donkeys! Keep an eye out for the photographs of the day, coming soon!
Children in Reception took part in lots of egg-citing Easter activities! We had an Egg Hunt, made Easter cakes, we had a visit from Mr Ball with some real chickens and the Easter Bunny came to see us! We had a cracking time! Take a look at the photographs!
The Reception staff look forward to seeing all our parents tonight Your children's work will be on display in the classrooms along with some handy phonics resources to take home!
This half term we have been learning all about animals! In the first week, we learnt all about pets. A huge thank you to all the children who brought pictures in to show. In the second week, we explored animals that live in the zoo and something fantastic happened... A tiger came to tea! This week, we are learning all about animals that live in a farm. We are going to spend the afternoon in our Timberley farm, meeting the animals and learning about how to care for them.
Wow! Didn't we all look fantastic! It was great to see the children all dressed up as their favourite characters.
Well done to the winners of the 'Best Dressed'!
Take a look at the photographs of our wonderful day
We hope you all had a wonderful break over half term! The children have come back refreshed and ready to learn, which is fantastic!
Our topic this half term is 'Animals and Plants'. We will be learning all about the different types of animals and their habitats and learning all about how plants grow!
For our entry point, we would like the children to bring in photographs of their pets. We would love to see all the different animals the children have as pets at home. Please could the children bring in their photographs on the week beginning, Monday 6th March.
Thank you
For our entry point into this half terms topic, we went on a winter hunt around school! We ticked off what we found, which included ice, frost, holly, berries, bare trees and pine cones. Unfortunately we didn't find any robins!
Our first topic this half term is Winter! We will be learning about what happens during winter, carrying our experiments and generally having fun in our winter themed classrooms
Welcome back! We hope everyone has had a relaxing break! We did lots of fun and exciting things in the run up to Christmas. Take a look at the photographs
Our Christmas performance is on Tuesday 13th December 2016 at 9.15am. Everyone is more than welcome to stay afterwards for a cup of tea and a mince pie! We can't wait to see you all there
The children all looked fantastic on Friday and raised lots of money for Children in need! We really enjoyed all the fun activities and yummy big tuck!
We have had such a fantastic day today in Reception! We have had lots of special visitors in our classrooms, a Policeman, a Life guard and some Fire Fighters!
We were able to ask them all lots of questions and learn more about the jobs that they do and how they help us!
Take a look at the photographs of us having fun with the special visitors!
This half term our topic is, People who help us! There are lots of different people who help us, such as; the Police, Fire fighters, Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Life Guards, Parents, Grandparents and Teachers!
We will be learning about all these job roles over the next few weeks and how it is that they can help us!
Keep your eye out for some photographs!
It was great to see all the children dressed up in their costumes for 'Dress as you like' day!
We have been visiting the farm during the afternoons to explore and learn more about the animals we have here at Timberley! We saw pigs, chicken, goats, alpacas and bunnies! We looked at how different their homes were and found out about what they all like to eat! Here's some photographs of our visit.
We have been learning all about the rights of a child! There are lots of different rights that we have as children! We have the right to an education, to play and relax and we even have the right to a name! We are also learning a song called, 'We've all got rights!'Here are some photographs which show how our rights are respected in Reception!
We have been learning all about the season, autumn! We know that in autumn the leaves change colour and fall off the trees! Some of us brought into school, some leaves, conkers and pine cones that we found at home! We have used the leaves, conkers and pine cones to help us with our learning! Take a look at our photographs!
Diary Dates For The Year
Parents Evening
Wednesday 5th October 2016
Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 5th October 2016 - Wednesday 12th October 2016
Break Up for Half Term
Friday 21st October 2016
Return to School
Monday 31st October 2016
Christmas Fayre
Saturday 3rd December 2016
Break Up
Friday 16th December 2016
Return to School
Tuesday 3rd January 2017
Break up for Half Term
Friday 17th February 2017
Return to School
Monday 27th February 2017
Break up for End of Term
Friday 7th April 2017
Return to School
Monday 24th April 2017
Break up for Half Term
Friday 26th May 2017
Return to School
Monday 5th June 2017
Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 12th July 2017— Wednesday 19th July 2017
We had some special little visitors in our classrooms this week! Mr Ball introduced us to the new baby ducklings! They were really cute
We gave them all their own names
Take a look at the photographs!
Newsletters are sent home every Friday, so keep an eye out for in your child's bag!
P.E takes place on a Tuesday morning. Could you please ensure that children have their P.E. kit in school and clearly labelled with their names to avoid loss. The children all need an indoor and an outdoor kit. The indoor kit will be black shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps and the outdoor kit will be a white t.shirt, black tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Indoor P.E. kits are available to buy from the school office. We advise that P.E. bags are left in school and children can take them home on a Friday if they wish. Small stud earrings are the only item of jewellery allowed in school, however, earrings must be taken out for P.E. and hair must be tied back.
All uniform, coats and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Could you please provide a spare set of clothes and underwear for your child to be kept in school, in case of accidents.
Children can bring in money to purchase a drink, milk or yoghurt from school which they can have at snack time. Prices range from 15-50pence. Fruit is available for the children throughout the day so snacks do not need to be sent into school. Children can, however, bring in a bottle of non-fizzy juice with their names on if possible, to drink at playtimes. The children also have a water bottle in school to use in the classroom throughout the day.
Thank you
Miss Hobson, Mrs Cambridge, Miss Lench
Miss Matthews, Mrs Jennings, Miss McCann
Welcome to a new school year in Reception, we are very pleased with the way the children are settling into school and have adapted to the school routines.
The project this half term is ‘All About me’ where the children will be talking about themselves and their families and getting to know each other.
Please keep an eye on our Reception page as we will be uploading photographs of all the fun and exciting things we will be doing in Reception this year!