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Timberley Academy

Year 4

ThinkTank - 4M

Queen Jubilee Week

The Queen's portrait in the style of Andy Warhol!

Also celebrating the 70 years of Timberley with a trip to the farm!

Adventurer and Explorer Dress Up Day!

Year 4 have enjoyed sketching and colouring flowers painted by Margaret Mee, who spent many years in the Amazon rainforest. The children have also loved taking part in the orienteering course out on the field, using a map to locate flags and then using an Atlas to find out which country it belongs to.

Questions to use when reading with your child at home

Red Nose Day 



The National Literacy Trust have been given TImberley access to an e-library!


There are over 100 books on there for children to access for Reception - Year 6. Children will be given their own logins. 


You can check it out and access the library here.


Also, click here for a guide in using the library.


We've enjoyed World Book Day by completing a variety activities, including book reviews, bookmarks, word searches, drawing character selfies, designing crazy fruit and cake recipes and turning our favourite book into a comic. But not forgetting, our delicious juice and snacks, relaxing in front of the fire reading our favourite books. We also had the pleasure of our lovely Year 6 children coming down to read to us smiley

Twinkl Multiplication Check


Click here

Click here to have a go at the next Scratch challenge

Christmas chocolate donation

Thank you to all our wonderful families for donating chocolate for our school tombola. We are overwhelmed with the amount of chocolate we have received and it is greatly appreciated. smiley

Year 4's Project Day was a great success!

Parent Consultations 

Wednesday 20th October 2021


Please click on the links below to request a phone consultation with your child's teacher.

Harvest Assembly Dates


4B - Wednesday 20th October


4D - Thursday 21st October


4M - Friday 22nd October 

Harvest Assembly Songs

Children will be sent home with the lyrics to the 4 songs below. If they could spend some time practising these songs, as well as their lines for the assembly, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Dress up day! (Fri 15th October)

As already mentioned, on Friday 15th October, we will be having our dress up day. This links to our current project which is Temples, Tombs and Treasures (Ancient Egyptians). Below are some ideas that you may wish to consider and could even make at home. There are links to websites to either buy a costume, or to have a go at making one yourself. We will look forward to seeing all the children looking like they came from Ancient Egypt.

Areas of Study for the 1st Autumn Half-Term

This half-term, we will be studying the following:

Project: Temples, Tombs and Treasures

RE: Expressing Joy and Being Thankful

ICT: Communication

Spanish: Instruments

Music: Ancient Egyptian theme

Art: Egyptian Headdress / Tomb Paintings


It would be really helpful if your child could visit the local library to borrow some non-fiction texts to carry out research into our different project areas.


PE: Striking and Fielding / Invasion Games

Children to come to school in their PE kits on their PE day (this will be confirmed). Please ensure children wear a white round neck t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers.




Friday: Spellings (tested following Friday), Literacy (paper homework) and Education City (Maths)

Reading Books: children will be given a reading book to take home, please ensure they read daily and it is changed frequently.


Morning Maths

Please can you encourage your child to come in to school every day for this. Doors will open for children at 8.40am.



Please ensure your child comes to school each day with a labelled drinks bottle. Please do not send fizzy drinks or energy drinks. Children will still be provided with stationery this year so children are asked not to bring in their own equipment from home.


Please note:

  • Friday 15th Oct – Project Dress-up Day (Theme: Temples, Tombs and Treasures)
  • Harvest Assembly – date to be confirmed



Please keep checking the school website for updates on Year 4’s curriculum activities. 


If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask.


Mr Brennan, Miss Melvin & Miss Duggan

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
