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Timberley Academy

Spring Fayre 2015


Spring Fayre - Saturday 14th March 2015

11am until 2pm



Please come along and join in the fun at our annual Spring Fayre. For all of those who have attended one of our Fayres before, you will know how fun packed and busy they get. This year there will be an Easter bonnet competition for all the children. The Easter bonnet parade will start in the key stage 1 hall at 12pm. We have some excellent pries for the winners. We also have lots of fun stalls to play on with prizes to win, crazy golf, a bouncy castle and lets not forget the hot food on sale! Our farm will also be open for you to look at all our animals.


If you would like to hire a stall yourself to sell anything you may have, please call our main office to book a table. The cost of boking a table is £7.50.


Please help spread the word and get everyone involves in this fantastic family day out at Timberley Academy. It's free to enter ad open to everyone who would like to come along. We hope to see you all there. frown

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
