Autumn Term 2013
Break up for October half term, Friday 25th October 2013. A one week holiday.
Children return on Monday 4th November 2013.
Christmas Holiday
Children break up Friday 20th December 2013, for the 2 week christmas holiday.
Children return on Monday 6th Janaury 2014.
Half Term Holiday
Children break up Friday 14th Janaury 2014, for a 1 week holiday.
Children return on Monday 24th February 2014.
Easter Holiday
Children break up Friday 11th April 2014, for a 2 week holiday.
Children return on Monday 28th April 2014.
Half Term Holiday
Children break up on Friday 23rd May 2014, for a 1 week holiday.
Children return on Monday 2nd June 2014.
May Day is Monday 5th May 2014.
The end date for the summer holiday in 2014 will be released later on in the year when the date is known.
Also, if dates change throughout the year everyone will be made aware via newsletters and website.