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Timberley Academy

Reception Class 2014 Intake

Reception Class 2014 Intake 

In October 2013, the local authority will write to Parents/Carers of children who are on roll at a community or private nursery advising them of how to apply for a Reception Class September 2014 place. 
Parents/Carers can view a copy of the Parents’ Information Booklet online at by 2nd December 2013 (initial closing date). Booklets will not be posted to Parents/Carers, so it is important to visit the previous website address. 
If for any reason you need help or any more information regarding the Reception intake for 2014, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0121-4642002 or visit the school office at any time, there will always be someone to help you. 

We will be opening the school up for Parents/Carers to visit the Reception classes, meet the staff and take a tour of the premises on Wednesday 6th November 2013 from 10.00am till 12.00pm, then 1.00pm till 3.00pm. 
We also take into consideration that a lot of the Parents/Carers may work throughout the day, therefore we are also opening the school on the evening of Thursday 7th November 2013 from 5.00pm till 7.00pm for a further look round. 

Also, for the Reception 2014 intakes we can now priorities our Nursery children. This means that children who attend our Nursery, have a better chance of being accepted into our Reception class, rather than a child who attends a different Nursery. 
We still take into consideration children who have siblings already attending Nursery, children in care or who have special needs and children who live closer. 

We look forward to receiving everyone's applications, seeing you all in November and don’t forget that we are always here to help you if you need any help or have any queries.


Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
