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Timberley Academy

Parking Update 2016

Parking Update – 19th September 2016

We are continuing to have local residents complain about the way parents are parking around the three gates during drop off and pick up times.

As a school we are constantly trying to ensure that children can be dropped off and picked up from school safely.


  • School starts at 8am (breakfast club) so spreading the times children arrive at school.
  • Doors to school open at 8.40am, allowing children to trickle into school.
  • After school we run numerous clubs, meaning a number of children do not leave school until 4.30pm.
  • Timberley Tea Club is available for parents until 5.30, again meaning children are picked up at different time.
  • We have contacted the local police to ask for support with parking issues and incidents of dangerous parking.
  • The Senior Leadership Team and often stood on the gates after school asking parents to park more considerately and monitoring the issues.
  • Please contact Alan Porter 0121 675 9612 and Birmingham City Council who will log any issues and work with school and the police to try and alleviate parking issues.
  • We contacted Councillor John Cotton who came to school this evening to look at the issues school, parents and the local residents are facing.  Councillor Cotton is going to speak to Highways and other relevant departments at school and plans to make another visit during pick up time. 

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