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Timberley Academy





22nd April 2020

Dear parents

As we are now in week five of school being closed we would like to thank all families again for staying safe and staying home.  I know that many of you have asked if we know of a date that school will be open again for all children. As Gavin Williamson, the current Secretary of State for the Department of Education, school are not currently going to reopen and they do not have a date for when this will happen.  Once a decision is made about the re opening of schools and any arrangements then we will of course let you know.  It is very likely that we will find out at the same time as you with any national announcements that are made.

FSM Vouchers have been emailed from Edenred to families who are entitled. Please check your emails to ensure you redeem the vouchers.  You will have received vouchers for three weeks and it appears that they all have an expiry date of the 17th May 2020.  It is very important that you redeem these as soon as possible to ensure you do not miss out.  If you have any issues regarding the vouchers, please call the Edenred helpline number. 

Teachers continue to call children for a catch up and to see how families are doing at this tricky time.  It has been lovely to hear from the children and to find out what they have been doing.  If you have changed your number or your phone is not able to receive calls please contact school with an alternative number so we are able to speak to your child.

Teachers continue to add activities on line on Times Table Rockstars, Education City, Purple Mash and Mathletics. They are also adding activities and ideas on the class pages of the school website.  The BBC have also added daily lessons on and the National Oak Academy have launched a website which has daily lessons from a range of subjects.

Please continue to look after each other and stay safe.  We look forward to a time when we can all be back at school together again but in the meantime stay at home and protect each other and the NHS.

Kind Regards


Mrs Harris and the SLT team.

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
