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Timberley Academy

Year 4

Parent SEND Questionnaire

SEND Support - A Note from Nichola Jones (Assistant Director Inclusion, SEND and Wellbeing)


Dear Parent,

I hope you and your family are well. I’m getting in touch to invite you to take part in our short survey to share your experiences during lockdown and tell us your views on the support you have received from different education services.

Please complete one survey for each child or young person with SEND. The survey is anonymous, however you can choose to include your contact details at the end if you would like to be more involved in shaping future SEND services.

Click here to access the survey

Please feel free to forward this email on to other families of children and young people with SEND.

Thank you for taking part. We really value your feedback in helping us to monitor and continually improve our services for SEND families.  

Please note that the survey will close at 12 midnight on Monday 13 July 2020.

With very best wishes,

Nichola Jones

Assistant Director Inclusion, SEND and Wellbeing

Week commencing 13th July

Week commencing 6th July

Reading sessions - Rainforest Calling ebook

For your reading sessions and story time, you can choose a book you have at home or you can read some pages of this book (just make a note of what page you get to at the end of each session). We will be reading this in class at school as it links with our project lessons from next week when we start our rainforest topic.

Year 4 Timetable Week 4

Week commencing 29th June

Year 4 Timetable - Week 3

Week commencing 22nd June

Curriculum logo design 


Next year, our curriculum is having a few changes!  We will still be doing our Project (IPC) lessons but with a greater focus on 6 skills and goals.  


These are Independence, Resilience, Co-operation, Communication, Respect and Thoughtfulness.


Your challenge is to design a new logo that incorporates all of the lessons that we cover within our project lessons (Geography, History, Science, Music, Art, Design & Technology and ICT) and the 6 skills and goals mentioned above.

Here is an example of what your design might look like.

More examples...

Year 4 Timetable - Week 2

Week commencing 15th June

Year 4 Timetable - Summer Term

Online safety

As the majority of your learning is online, and you may be spending your free time on iPads, phones and games consoles, we thought we would send a message just to remind you of the importance of staying safe online. 

Remind yourselves of the SMART rules

White Rose maths lessons - week commencing 1st June

Worksheets for White Rose Maths - Week commencing 1st June (Remember to watch the video on the website first)

BBC Bitesize lessons - week commencing 1st June

White Rose Maths have set some fun ideas that will bring lots of mathematical opportunities for #MathsEveryoneCanAtHome

The Ickabog is the latest story written by J.K Rowling. It will be published for free on the website below, in instalments, over the next seven weeks, a chapter (or two, or three), at a time. What’s even better is that you are invited to help illustrate the book - I thought about entering myself but I’m not aged between 7 and 12 - so it’s down to you. 📖 ✏️ 


This week is half term so check our activity of the day folder for some fun activities for you to try at home. We are still in work this week so some of you will be getting phone calls from us, which we look forward to very much. Enjoy the sunshine but make sure you read the sun safety guide. Keep staying safe and have fun!

Sun safety

Elmer Day 🐘

Mental Health Awareness Week 18th-24th May

The 7 day kindness challenge

White Rose Maths - Week commencing 18th May

BBC Bitesize lessons - week commencing 18th May

White Rose Maths - Week commencing 11th May

As you may be aware, White Rose are only providing the video for the lessons, not the worksheets. So below I have downloaded the worksheets for this weeks lessons for you. 

BBC Bitesize lessons - Week commencing 11th May

25 non-screen activities

Would you like to be a world record holder? Head over to our music page to find out more...

White Rose Maths - Week commencing 4th May

Friday’s Maths Challenge

These are your ingredients ready for Friday’s challenge. The recipe and questions will follow soon 🧑🏼‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳 🍰 ⏲ 

BBC Bitesize lessons - Week commencing 4th May

Pyjamarama Day - Friday 1st May

On Friday 1 May, we want everyone to enjoy a fun-filled day in pyjamas celebrating stories and reading - and it couldn't be easier to join in!

As part of Pyjamarama’s festival of book-filled fun on 1st May, they have got loads of brilliant Pyjamarama activities to help you celebrate wherever you are - from colouring and crafts to puzzles and drawing.

Pobble 365

Pobble 365 is the home of 365 images (one for each day of the year) that will spark your creativity and imagination. You can use the image for that specific day or you can scroll through to find an image that interests you. Then, scroll down and use the activities provided. There are questions about the image, story starters, sentence challenges and drawing activities. Use them as they are or as a starting point for something even bigger. Click here to begin your journey.

​​​​​​Hi Year 4,

Hope you all had a lovely Easter.

Below there is a folder where we will display photos of all the work you are doing at home. It really makes us smile seeing the work you have created and you may also get a glimpse of your friends smiley


You will also find links to websites where you can access online classrooms and daily lessons, so please go and check them out.


We will continue to call home this week to see how you are getting on and hearing about the lovely things you have been getting up to.


We miss you, so continue to stay safe so hopefully we can see you all again soon.

Miss Melvin, Miss Mills and Miss Siggers x


UNICEF - Head over the UNICEF page under the children's section to find some home learning ideas. Miss Orohoe has been updating the page, where you will find the article of the month for April (Article 42 - The right to know your rights!)

Remember, if you want to show us your work then just take a photo and email it to

🐣 Day 9 - Bake it - Make it

Baking anyone??

Why not try baking some of these delicious sweet treats. Have fun measuring out the ingredients then why not have a go at writing out the instructions for someone else to follow. 

👩‍🍳 👨‍🍳 🧇🧁🍪

🐰 Day 8 - Estimate it - Make it

Timberley's Personal Challenge! 

'Catch the ball’


Use 2 hands, make it harder and only use 1 hand or show us your skills. Use a ball, rolled up socks or anything you can safely catch. There’s no time limit. Mr Henningham has given a great example on Timberley’s home page. We can’t wait to see yours...

The Armchair Astronaut 👩‍🚀

Join The Armchair Astronaut Tuesday 14th for a FREE online Astronaut event for children (of all ages) including LIVE Q&A. This week's guest is NASA Astronaut Tony Antonelli 👨‍🚀🌎🚀


2pm & 7pm, Tuesday 14th April 2020. 🕑🇬🇧 UK time (BST).


Submit your question using #SpaceToLearn
Watch Live Online:


#spacetolearn #STEM #Space #Homeschooling2020 #ISS #NASA #astronaut #ScienceAtHome #StayAtHome #TonyAntonelli #Education

🐣 Day 7 - Move it - Play it

🐥 Day 6 - Bake it - Move it

Happy Good Friday 🐣


Hope you all have a lovely Easter, enjoy the sunshine ☀️ stay safe and don’t eat too much chocolate cheeky


It was lovely speaking to some of you today and hearing about all the wonderful things you have been up to (baking muffins and biscuits, playing football, shaving your hair 🤭 splashing in the paddling pool, reading, times tables, learning Greek).
I know some of you may be struggling a little, missing school a little and missing your friends but you are all doing the best you can and you are safe and that is the main thing. So keep going and hopefully we’ll all be back together soon enough. 


Love the Year 4 team xxx

Day 5 - Estimate it - Play it

Best Easter Jokes 🐣🐥🐰

Easter is an eggcellent time to crack out the pun and jokes, so here are some you can use this bank holiday.


Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?

It might crack up!


What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

A Hot Cross Bunny.


How do bunnies stay healthy?



What stories does the Easter Bunny like best?

The ones with hoppy endings.


How do Easter chicks leave a building?

By the emergency egg-sit.


What did one Easter egg say to the other?

“Heard any good yolks today?”

Create your own animal and plant 🐢🐙🦕🐆🦚☘️🌾🎍🌱

🐇 Day 4 - Bake it - Make it

🐤 Day 3 - Estimate it - Move it

🐰 Day 2 - Estimate it - Make it

Timberley's Personal Challenge!

'Reach for the stars!'


This week it is ‘reach for the stars’. See if you can beat your personal best! Make sure you check out the home page/twitter to see Mr Henningham's example. Please feel free to tweet us pics/videos of you all taking part. Good luck!


Easter activities 

White Rose will be publishing fun activities daily. 

🐣 Day 1 - Today’s Easter tasks are Bake it and Play it! We hope you have fun. Join in on twitter, posting pictures of your baking arrays 🧁 and card games

Day 1 - Bake it Play it 🐣

Hi everyone,


Hope you’re all okay and staying safe. It has been lovely speaking to some of you this week and hearing what you’ve been up to at home. Don’t worry if you’ve not had a call yet, we will get round to all of you as soon as we can. Keep up the good work and keep checking our class page for new ideas and activities. 

If you complete any of our activities, take a photo and get a grown up to e-mail it to us then we can share it on our class page.


We will look forward to seeing some of your wonderful work. 

Hi Year 4, 

Well done to all of the children who have completed work online so far. I know you might be experiencing difficulties logging on to some of our websites to help with your learning, but remember not all learning needs to be done online. 

Below, are some activities you can do at home, where you can learn and have fun smiley

Stay safe and have fun!


now>press>play is an active audio resource that engages children in the curriculum through emotion, imagination and movement. Immersed in sound, your child will become the main character in a story, meeting people, discovering places and solving problems on an educational adventure they’ll never forget!


Visit the website and use the password:



How does it work?

  1. Write North, South, East, West on paper and stick one on each wall.
  2. Stand in the centre of the room and…. Now Press Play!
  3. Follow the instructions in the story.
  4. Afterwards have a discussion and use the follow-on activities.

Why not try some of these celebrity classes.

Art - drawing challenges

Welcome to Year 4!

PE Lessons


PE kits should be in school EVERYDAY!


Year 4 PE lessons will be on TUESDAY and THURSDAY. Please make sure all kit is named and remember that hair must be tied back and earrings must be removed during lessons.




Please see the weekly newsletter for details of homework that has been set for that week.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be handed in the following Wednesday.


If children haven't handed in their homework for 3 weeks in a row, they will stay in during lunchtime to complete it.




Please make sure that children have their book and diary in school every day and are reading daily at home. 




We will be offering a Times Tables Rock Stars after school club on Monday's to all Year 4 children.

World Book Day

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
