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Timberley Academy




Hi Year 2, 🥰


It’s the last week of the school 🏫 year! Wow! We hope you are all okay. 😌 We miss you all and can’t wait 😊 to see you in September. 👍


As well as your ‘usual’ lessons, this week we have included some transition activities for you to do at home. 🏠

Don’t forget, there’s a survey added to our page for parents/carers of children who receive SEN support in school. 🏫 The survey closes at midnight 🕛 tonight so please take the time to complete it, if it applies to you. Thank you. 😊 


Have a good day all! See you soon! ❤️🌈

Lesson 1 - Telling the Time to 5 Minutes

🌟 Mastery Challenge 🌟

Lesson 1 - What is a Story?


RWI Phonics on their YouTube channel:


In preparation for Year 3, practise reading and spelling the Key Stage One Common Exception Words. 

Pablo Picasso 👨🏼‍🎨 Lesson 1


Watch the BBC Bitesize video below. 👇🏽 Then work through the PowerPoint presentation. What is cubism? It is a style of art 🖼 that aims to show objects and people from lots of different angles all at one time. Use the YouTube video lesson below to create a picture using cubism.

Pablo Picasso: Cubist Art Lesson

Art lesson on Pablo Picasso and Cubism

Transition Activity - Spreading My Wings 🧚🏻🧚🏿‍♂️

Superbia Perseverantia et Passionem Pride, Perseverance and Passion
